A 2015 study published in the Journal of Rheumatology discovered that 8 weeks of yoga improved pain, flexibility, and overall health in adults with arthritis who did not exercise much. This adds to the evidence that yoga can relieve headaches …

If you’ve ever felt anxious about smiling or eating in public or felt that your smile is getting too much attention for all the wrong reasons, it’s time for you to schedule a consultation with an experienced dental specialist. A …

The importance of an individual’s self-esteem in their life cannot be overstated. The majority of choices a person makes are typically influenced by how they view themselves. People who lack confidence in their abilities, for instance, may pass on many …

The procedure of electrical stimulation for pain is one of the ways of physical therapy treatment that has the purpose to renovate the muscle tissues; especially it concerns nerves and muscles after traumas or any other damage. In the process …

Traumas are most common for the sportspeople and those who lead an active way of life. But an average person also can get them anywhere. The consequences of traumas can be various – bruises, multiple teeth loss, fractures. The fractures …

Urinary incontinence is a fairly common problem. At least once in a lifetime, more than half of all the women have it. Incontinence can occur both in young women after childbirth or surgery, and in older women, after the onset …

Cryosurgery is now successfully used in different spheres of medicine. This method performs its action through the deep freezing of the tissues. The effect is possible thanks to the liquid nitrogen. Its action causes the dysfunction of the vital processes …

Constipations are among the main provoking factors of the hemorrhoid appearance. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what problem occurred the first. A proper hemorrhoid treatment is impossible if you will not solve the constipation problem. What is it and …
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